Spiderman: Web Splashers

Studio: HRO Design Inc. | Role: Sr. Designer

Hasbro reached out to HRO for the logo redesign of their longstanding Spiderman toy-line: Web Splashers. The Hasbro team requested for the redux to have a retro feel with the use of water, spider webs, and an action themed type treatment. As we progressed to the final design we embraced a more modern and sleek look for the logo.

NERF: SUmmer

Studio: HRO Design Inc. | Role: Sr. Designer

Every year Nerf develops summer visuals. For 2022 HRO and Co. were tasked in developing visuals using Tiki and Islandic themes as part of their summer graphics. Below were my contributions of graphics, and icons turned patterns.


Lee Bros MMA


Haslab: H.I.S.S. Tank